Internatonal Architecture Awards 2019
Visual Identity
Type of client: Cultural Institution – Award Program
Type of work: Visual Identity

The International Architecture Awards (IAA) honor the best, significant new buildings, landscape architecture, and planning projects designed and built around the world from leading architects. The identity for the 2019 IAA was based on geometry and spatial reasoning.

In a popular way, architecture is about fitting and matching blocks together whether in a building as a whole or side by side to other buildings. We used rectangular shapes in perspective masked with text and images – from projects of awarded offices in 2019 –  to present that no matter how complex an architectural project can be, it has to work alongside with other projects. Architectural offices do take into consideration what both the primary users and the surrounding buildings have to say in the design process. To retain authenticity of the surroundings while moving forward is 2019 new international architecture.


“The City and The World” is an annual exhibition that presents the awarded projects from the IAA program. Poster design of the exhibition that took place for 2019 in Athens, Greece was a further elaboration of the identity of IAA 2019; Images that come across one another and meet paths. Cyrillic characters from the Greek alphabet were introduced in the exhibition title typography to bring in the geographic location of the event, i.e. Athens, Greece.
